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Hi there! You've chanced across my work-in-progress inspired by Mitt Romney's infamous comment:
Corporations are people, my friend.
What follows is an examination of corporate personhood through legal, social, and psychological lenses.
My aim is somewhat outrageous: I want to make the case that:
A corporation is a person just like you & me, and:
Treating corporations like people is a good thing.
Needless to say this will take quite a bit of explaining. And as you can see from the progress meter I have a ways to go.
So, how can you get involved in the meantime? A few ways:
Start by reading the "TL;DR," which offers a very broad overview of my thinking.
Poke around the rest of the book, with the understanding that much of it is unfinished or even unstarted.
Comment inline and participate in the discussions, which work like GitHub Issues.